Pornographic content is easily accessible due to our growing online presence, so it is important to know the law surrounding pornography in Aotearoa New Zealand and what content is legal and illegal.
What is the difference between legal pornography and illegal content? (Netsafe, 2018.) Information around the law and pornography in Aotearoa New Zealand, including how to report content.
Online Porn. (Netsafe, 2018.) General information about pornography, including addiction.
Online Digital Child Exploitation. (Department of Internal Affairs, 2017.) Information on objectionable material and the internet, including how to stay safe and how to report/complain about content.
The Light Project. Starting the conversation on pornography, with information and resources for whānau, caregivers and professionals.
Porn and young people: What do we know?
Keep It Real Online. Aotearoa New Zealand Government website connected to the advertising campaign of the same name, with information for parents, caregivers and young people.
In the Know. Information, help and tips on porn and online sexual stuff.
Aotearoa New Zealand Classification Office reports. Including 'Growing up with Porn', 'Breaking Down Porn', 'NZ Youth and Porn' and 'Young New Zealanders Viewing Sexual Violence'.